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Delicious as a strong tea, nerve tonic is used during stressful times, for anxiety and insomnia, and stress related indigestion. This is single herb is a panacea to the nervous system. It can even be useful for nervous animals! I personally have used it in practice with those who are experiencing postpartum depression (under professional supervision, please book a consultation), PTSD and lifelong sleep disturbance. Please see cautions listed below.


Ingredients: Man Vine


Caution:  Not to be taken in conjunction with antidepressant, anxiolytic or smoking cessation medications


Disclaimer: Michelle Brown and Wildflowers Wellness do not diagnose or treat medical conditions, as defined by the AMA or WHO.

Nerve Tonic Dry Herb

SKU: 364115376135191
  • This Female Tonic is a dry herbal blend. Herbs are sourced from Belize and are gluten-free and organic. 

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